Visitor Information
Parent Student Handbook Page 6-7
How can I be involved in my child’s education?
Parents are welcome to come and observe their child in the class. Parents must sign in at the Main Office when they arrive. We appreciate notifying us 24 hours in advance when you plan to visit. Parents are not allowed to bring other children during the observation.
We encourage all parents to visit campus to volunteer and to observe classes. Prior to visiting campus and/or volunteering, please make sure to check-in with the main office and to obtain a copy of our visitor and volunteer policy.
All visitors must ring the door and announce their purpose on campus before entering. The office staff is able to see the person through a video camera and allow them to enter. Once on campus, all visitors are required to sign in and wear company ID badges or JJMS color-coded lanyards. Vendors, Alumni, and Parents all have distinct colors to help school staff identify them more easily. Before leaving the campus all visitors must sign out the time of their departure and turn in their lanyards.
While you are on campus, please help us maintain an academic environment. We ask that parents/guardians and all other visitors dress as one would for a job interview. Please do not use cell phones inside a classroom and be aware of the type of conversation and language used if near students. Additionally, smoking is strictly prohibited on school property. The school will press charges against anyone who brings weapons or illegal substances onto campus.
If anyone volunteers on a regular basis, i.e. more than 10 hours per year and has frequent or prolonged contact with students, they will be required to comply with the Department of Justice background checks and a TB clearance.
We want to work closely with all parents/guardians. As such, we offer a variety of opportunities for parents/guardians to help their child and the School. Please watch for flyers, text/email/phone messages about various opportunities.
When appropriate, volunteers shall be fingerprinted and have clearance from the Department of Justice through a criminal history background check before volunteering.
Employee Handbook page 25-26
Visitor Policy
JJMS has established the protocols below to promote safety with respect to visitors on campus.
All personal/family visitors will only be allowed on campus with an escort from a JJMS staff member. When a visitor arrives, the office will determine which staff member the visitor wishes to see. The office staff will contact that staff member and ask them to come to the office and pick up their guest. The visitor must remain in the company of the staff member at all times. If the visitor is not willing to disclose this information, they will NOT be allowed on campus and the visitor will be asked to leave. If the visitor does not comply, the office staff must immediately notify an administrator or Campus Project Manager. If the visitor becomes confrontational (e.g., yelling, cursing, and/or becoming physically violent), the office staff must call 911.
All vendors are required to sign in. In addition, the office staff will notify the JJMS employee who is in charge of the vendor. If an employee cannot get a hold of the appropriate JJMS staff member, the default is Campus Project Manager or Director of Operations.
- Canon notify Director of Operations
- Adaptive P.E. Teacher notifies Director of Special Services
- Pest control notify Campus Project Manager
- LAPD/DCFS notify Principal
- Tarzana Treatment Center notify Parent and Student Life Coordinator
- Board Members notify Principal
If an employee is not sure who to notify, please ask the Principal.
All parents MUST be escorted by a JJMS staff member or a DOJ cleared vendor (e.g., Carolina from Tarzana Treatment can escort parents through campus) to the room that they will be working in or visiting. There are limited circumstances where a parent may be allowed to move about the campus without a DOJ cleared escort. For example, if a parent is on campus to observe their child, the office will issue an all-staff email so that everyone will be aware that the parent has been checked in at the office. During breaks and lunch, the parent and child should sit in a teacher’s class or in the main office. During community events, such as a sporting event or Back to School Night, parents will be on campus without individual escorts so JJMS staff will be posted to maintain a safe environment. Keep in mind that after a parent meeting, a staff member must escort the parent either back to the main office or out to the parking lot via the staff gate. If an employee supervises a guest leaving by the staff gate, that employee is taking responsibility for immediately returning the visitors pass to the main office.
Alumni volunteers must obtain a pre-approval, at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of their arrival, from an administrator or coordinator. This permission will be added to the Google Calendar under Staff Announcements. The student’s names will be listed in the Descriptions section of the Calendar. Alumni visiting during the school day will be added as an event on the JJMS calendar under Staff Announcements. Alumni visiting after school will only be permitted on campus if they are escorted by a JJMS staff member who will supervise the alumni and take responsibility for their behavior. Alumni that have gone through a DOJ and TB test will not need an escort. The presence of a cleared Alumni will be announced in an all-staff email.