JJMS Special Education Program
Individualized Education Program (IEP) and Section 504
Child Find:
At JJMS we are dedicated to the belief that all students can learn and must be guaranteed equal opportunity to become contributing members of the academic environment and society. JJMS provides special education instruction and related services in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Improvement Act (“IDEIA”), Education Code requirements, and applicable policies and procedures of the Los Angeles Unified School District (“LAUSD”). These services, accommodations, and/or modifications are provided as specified in a students’ Individual Education Program (IEP) upon enrollment at JJMS. We offer high quality educational programs and services for all of our students in accordance with the assessed needs of each student. JJMS collaborates with parents, the student, teachers, and other agencies, as may be indicated, in order to appropriately serve the educational needs of each student.
Section 504:
JJMS recognizes its legal responsibility to ensure that no qualified person with a disability shall, on the basis of disability, be excluded from participation, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program of JJMS. Any student who has an objectively identified disability which substantially limits a major life activity, including, but not limited to learning, walking, hearing, is eligible for accommodations by JJMS. The parent of any child suspected of needing or qualifying for accommodations under Section 504 may make a referral for an evaluation to the Principal. A copy of the School’s Section 504 policies and procedures is available at the Main Office upon request.
If your child has an IEP or Section 504 plan, please notify the School upon enrollment and provide a copy of the most recent IEP or Section 504 plan to the Main Office as soon as possible. We request this information so the School can ensure your child continues to receive all services and supports outlined within this document.